Crude Energy Ghana

Crude Energy Ghana

CrudEnergy LLC, a subsidiary of BS Holding is a registered energy trading consulting firm with offices in the United States, Ghana, and Nigeria.

Petroleum Products, Maritime Logistics, Mini-Micro Modular Refinery, and Renewable Energy Services are all areas where we provide energy consulting.

Refinery Services

At Adani, Enugu State, Nigeria, a modular refinery is being built. When completed, this refinery will have the capacity to produce 40,000 barrels of refined products per day, ranging from Aviation Jet Fuel, Aviation Gasoline, Gasoline Premium Unleaded (MUP), Gasoline Regular Unleaded (MUR), Diesel Fuel, Diesel Fuel (SFD), Turbine Fuel, Aviation and others.

Maritime Logistic

Our services include Maritime Logistics and Refined Product Storage. We currently have contracts with storage facility owners at Ikot Ekpene and Ikot Abasi, both in south eastern Nigeria, to transport refined product from the West African high seas to Nigeria’s interior and hinterlands.


We’ll be drilling for feedstock from OPL 915 AND OPL 916 in Southeastern Nigeria, where it’s predicted that we’ll be able to collect 700,000,000 barrels of crude oil and 5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas to run our refinery.

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(Crude Energy LLC)